The Fillogic Family
We’re a tight-knit group of retail and logistics professionals, technologists, serial entrepreneurs, and creative problem solvers. We’re incredibly driven to help our partners rapidly evolve their supply chains as technology continues to rapidly transform the retail landscape. We focus on the future needs of the supply chain, not on how things used to be.

Our Core Values
Each Fillogic family member has a few things in common:
Our family is made up of former retail logisticians and technologists with a gear to grind: inefficient, siloed systems and outdated ways of thinking about the retail supply chain.
We are passionate about transforming local market logistics. We’re not out here to upgrade retail supply chains - we’ve already died on that hill. Instead, we’re here to rip up the road-map and reconstruct a local, efficient, circular, and channel-free ecosystem.
There’s no problem too complex, and no Fillogic family member too senior to get their hands dirty solving it.
We can smell bullsh*t from a mile away and we tell it like it is. We focus on what is right and not politically expedient. If you want to create an efficient and better way of doing business, hop on board. If not, step aside.
We seek to do things differently. When we see a logistics challenge, we don’t limit ourselves. We step outside the confines of typical solutions to create something unconventional and unquestionably better.